Gambling Addiction


Gambling Addiction

What exactly is Gamblers Bill? The Gamblers Bill of Rights, otherwise known as the Gambling Act, outlines the rights of gamblers when it comes to gambling. The act was created in Las Vegas, Nevada and came into effect in 2021. The Gambling Commission was created under the auspices of the Internal Revenue Service and has the power to define what a “gambling device” is. The Gamblers Bill of Rights is designed to protect the rights of gamblers and to regulate gambling across state lines.

What is meant by a “gambling device”? Gamblers in the United States are allowed to engage in wagers including lotteries, progressive betting, non-progressive betting, gambling with tickets, machine games and race tracks, gaming via the internet and gambling in casinos. Gambling, as defined by the law means that there may be reliance on luck, chance, skill, and chance. The United States Department of Justice defines gambling as any conduct for which payment or consideration is made either directly or indirectly, through a series of transactions, for the purpose of making money or taking advantage of the opportunities associated with an event, the value of which is dependent upon whether an actual or potential award is achieved.

How does one go about avoiding and overcoming the problems of gambling addiction? Many gamblers seek professional help from a variety of sources such as family members, close friends and licensed treatment centers. Gamblers who are dealing with gambling addiction may also want to consult with a Gamblers Bill of Rights attorney who can advise them on various legal issues pertaining to gambling behavior and laws within their particular state. Those wishing to seek self-help groups for gambling addiction may want to visit local recreation centers, social service offices and other consumer based organizations that offer counseling and support for gambling addicts. There are also self-help groups available online.

So, how do we define gambling as a behavior? Essentially, gamblers engage in conduct involving the use of their senses to the extent that their actions are disruptive and detrimental to other people, property, and personal values. Gambling can involve buying, selling, playing, betting, and using products or services associated with gambling. It can also mean engaging in repeated acts of deceit and dishonesty designed to chance or even to make money. Gambling addiction, according to the American Gaming Association, includes any activity in which “a person attempts to generate an unfair advantage over other individuals through the use of gambling, whether the action is physical mental, or emotional.” These behaviors are taken seriously by the U.S. Department of Justice and are considered criminal behavior.

What can you do to stop the problem of gambling addiction? Gamblers need to find a way to deal with their addiction or face serious consequences such as jail time. Gamblers should avoid all things associated with gambling paraphernalia and should always carry proof of ownership when traveling or going out in public. Some gamblers turn to alcohol or drugs to dull the pain of loss, but these addictions do not address the underlying issue of why the individual gambles. Gamblers can get over an addiction by learning new ways of gambling responsibly and minimizing exposure to risk.

If you feel you have a gambling problem, then you should seek professional help from a licensed therapist. You may want to try online gambling addiction treatment programs to treat your problem. These online programs provide a safe and effective way to deal with gambling addictions and help you regain control of your life. There are many websites that offer online gambling addiction treatment programs, but be sure to check reviews before committing to a program.